Frequently Asked Questions / Feedback 
What type of jobs are available on this site
This site is for per diem jobs only. They could last from a few hours to a few days.

Do I need to create an account
You do not need to create an account to view jobs but to apply for jobs or to post jobs you will need to register and login.

Do I need to use multifactor authorization (where a pin# will be sent to me at each login)
You do not need to turn on MFA (multifactor authorization) unless you want that additional layer of security.
If you do enable this, a pin will be emailed to you at each login.

Can I save my searches and have jobs automatically emailed to me
Yes, just register and login and the "My Dashboard" page will then allow you to create and save your searches.
You can then recall your saved searches to quickly view jobs that meet your criteria. Eventually we will be adding a feature to automatically email these jobs to you.

Will the system keep track of jobs I applied to
Yes, from the "My Dashboard" option there is a button to show jobs you applied for.

Does it cost money to apply or post a job
Applying for a job is free (you just have to be registered and logged in).
Posting a job is currently *FREE*.

Why would I suspend a job listing
If the job is filled, you may want to stop showing that opening. You do this from the dashboard "Jobs I Posted" option.
You can (at anytime before the expiration date of that job) re-activate the job posting. You can also change the job description at anytime.

Can I list multiple jobs in one job posting
Yes, you can list whatever you want in the job description. You are basically creating a job posting and length of time.
You are not limited to what you enter in the description, title, location, etc. Job postings can be changed at anytime.

Are email addresses and phone numbers publicly displayed
No, we never display these to the geneal public and only display them to applicants or employers when needed for communication.
If you want them to be displayed, just include them in the job description write-up.

Will employers be able to search for me
Yes (eventually) as this is one of the changes we are working on.
Based on your "saved" search criteria from the "My Dashobard" option, employers will be able to search for you utilizing various search criteria.
You can define and save your searches using the "My Dashboard" option. You do need to opt-in to this feature though from your profile definition.

What is the Chat Room
The "Chat Room" is just a forum to share ideas about jobs and job related information. Any information you enter will be publicly viewed with the date and your chat userid. We do ask that you do not enter personal contact information as this feature is just meant for sharing ideas about jobs and job related information. We also reserve the right to remove unethical or unrelated postings. You will need to be registered and logged in to contribute to the Chat Room.

Do you promote the advertisers on the site
Since this is free site, we use advertisers to offset our web hosting and storage costs.
We do not vouch for the products or services they are selling. We do, however, use various products to assist us with this website.

Can I advertise my products or services on your site
Yes, there are alot of pages on our site for various advertisements and we are adding more each day. Contact us through the feedback form below. Be sure to leave your contact info.

What is your privacy policy
We are committed to safeguarding your privacy and any personal information. We do not share your data with others without your consent.
Email addresses and phone numbers are not displayed on the site by us. Click on the "privacy" link at the bottom of the page for more information.

Do I need to use multifactor authorization (where a pin# will be sent to me at each login)
You do not need to turn on MFA (multifactor authorization) unless you want that additional layer of security. However, we do not collect or store any financial information from you.
Purchasing a product from one of our advertisers is a separate non-related transaction.
If you enable MFA, a pin# will be sent to your email address (which is your userid) at time of login. To maintain this, click on your name in the tab bar to update your profile (once logged in).

How do I view the jobs I posted or applied to
Once logged in, use the "My Dashboard" option located on the command bar. From this dashboard, you can access and control your profile, your postings and jobs you applied to.

Are new features planned for this site
Yes, we have plans for many new features and will be rolling them out over time. Currently many of these are being programmed now.
if there are specific features you would like to see added to the site, just use the "feedback" form below. We welcome all suggestions.
Enter any feedback or comments

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